The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow i Moskva

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3, Tverskaya Street, 125009, Moskva, Moskva, RU Rusland
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 225-88-88
Latitude: 55.7574014, Longitude: 37.6133034
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Kommentar 5

  • Tanmay Mirani

    Tanmay Mirani


    Had light dinner at the O2 lounge. Fantastic view of the nearby Kremlin and St. Basil's cathedral. Friendly service and good drinks and food.

  • Cj Cox

    Cj Cox


    This place has a great and amazing view, however the food and service was horrible. We ordered the ribeye well done, it came to us basically raw. The O2 burger that we were served looked like it had been sitting for 30 minutes before we had gotten it. Something you would expect from McDonald's, too much sauce, burger slips out from between the bun, old lettuce. The only decent food was the small cookies I was served with my espresso. Certainly not coming back to this place. And 5000 rubles for a hookah? What a rip-off.

  • Andrey Petrov

    Andrey Petrov


    Наряду с кемпинским, метрополем и несколькими другими гостиницами входит в высшую лигу гостиничного комплекса Москвы. Построенное более 10 ти лет назад на месте Интуриста здание, планировалось фундаментально и на века. Поэтому каких либо экспериментальных дизайнерских изысков вы там не найдете. Все на высшем уровне. Отдельно стоит выделить 02 ресторан на крыше наверное самое помпезное место в Москве. Лобби бар хорош, но какой то своей изюминки не имеет в отличии от того же кемпинского, где вроде бы все проще. Номера, обслуживание и тд безукоризненны, но чуток не хватает эмоций и душевности. Наверное места такого уровня позволить себе такую роскошь не имеют ни возможности ни права.

  • Mark Pullen

    Mark Pullen


    My room was wonderful and comfortable. Very much 5 star. You don't get gushing hotel service, but it's efficient and helpful, no issue at all for me. (You'd expect a porter at this sort of hotel at the driveway to help bring your bags in, but I didn't see any.) Didn't do much there, but I did enjoy the breakfast, and was open very I think after midday when I strolled in after a good sleep in. Can't get more in the centre of Moscow. Attached couple of photos from the room showing how close to the Kremlin.

  • Dominic Sandell

    Dominic Sandell


    I think I spend more than a year with the number of nights since 10 years at the Ritz Carlton In Moscow. All the room have a god set up, the club room with the club floor is really valuable and we will not be disappointed for the extra cost of it. The view on the club lounge and the O2 bar on the 12 floor is stunning. The service is a real 5 stars service. The location is exactly where you want to be in Moscow.....

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