Stolovaya 57 i Moskva

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

3, Красная пл., 109012, Moskva, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 788-43-43
Latitude: 55.7543101, Longitude: 37.6233347
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Kommentar 5

  • shadi edalati

    shadi edalati


    The food quality was much less than it was expected from ranking. Even was less than average. Piroshki was too bad. Cutlets were average. Crowded and simple environment. And the last point prices compare to quality were expensive (700 Ruble for each person)

  • kostas kalemis

    kostas kalemis


    The most economical solution if you are in the red square and you are starving. Nice food in the gum mall.on the 3rd floor of the mall.

  • Maciej Jaskólski

    Maciej Jaskólski


    This was my best price / quality meal in Moscow. The food is amazing and it is probably the only place around the Red Square where you can eat at such prices and in such a surrounding!

  • Will Travel 4 Food

    Will Travel 4 Food


    Russian Restaurant / Desserts - Part of a restaurant chain, this location has 2 sides. One offers a "Pick and Go" style meal, where you choose from ready made foods behind a counter. The other side is for snacks, desserts and coffees. The food is not great in taste (it is similar to canteen food), but it is a decent place to relax and rest after visiting the mall, or for a quick, easy and affordable Russian meal.

  • Jordana del Feld

    Jordana del Feld


    It gets an extra star because it’s hard to find reasonably priced food in this part of town. A good chance to sample traditional dishes.

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