Den Røde Plads i Moskva

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Red Square, 109012, Moskva, Moskva, RU Rusland
Kontakter telefon: +7
Latitude: 55.7539303, Longitude: 37.620795
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Kommentar 5

  • John Gorsky

    John Gorsky


    This place is greater then I expected! Very large with beautiful views. Plan on being her for several hours and bring good walking shoes. It's like cobblestone is not your friend at first but it adds to the views. Just remember to lift your feet more then you are use to. Early morning or later in the night give you more room to breathe. This is a must see when in Moscow. Free to look around and take advantage of all the history while you still can...

  • Sasha Stewart

    Sasha Stewart


    An amazing place to visit in Moscow and submerge and culture history and Architectural upbringings of the early Russia. Visited recently in May of 2017 and truly enjoyed my time. Great place to visit with a friend colleague for business or with a family member. Most of the places can be seen from the Red Square itself but small fee will get you inside the doors and allow you to enjoy more detailed look and all the cathedral

  • TheYousef6




  • Tim Smith

    Tim Smith


    Majestic af.

  • Kim Rædkær

    Kim Rædkær


    Fantastisk oplevelse. Vild historisk.

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