Ploschad' Revolyutsii i Moscow

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Moscow, Russia, 109012
Kontakter telefon: +7
Latitude: 55.75645, Longitude: 37.623356
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Kommentar 5

  • Boris Tomic

    Boris Tomic


    Very cool Moscow metro station, touch bronze sculptures for luck!

  • Dave Chumbo

    Dave Chumbo


    Very Spooky Train House! Many men go! Never return! Too dark! Fall over! Makes me learn to not walk in dark! You cannot see in dark! You can fall! Brother Gregor walked! He tripped and fell on knife! And then onto bullets! Ha! A very splendid occasion! - Piotr Petrovsky

  • Farhad Navid Sattari Beiragh

    Farhad Navid Sattari Beiragh


    Russian people have a special belief in bronze sculptures. For luck in the day, they are touching the sculptures.

  • RRR X

    RRR X


    I recommend too take a 2 hours of you evening free time and travel through the most beautiful metro in the world. There are about 7-8 best stations which you definitely need to see, you can do the full trip on one metro ticket (50 RUB).

  • Alexander Admiraal

    Alexander Admiraal


    Beautiful, but busy, crowded and a lot of policemen. Light is dim, makes it harder to photograph. Good station to get to GUM or straight to the Red Square without too many tourists.

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