Patriarch's Palace i г. Москва

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Кремлевская наб., 119072, г. Москва, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 695-41-46
Latitude: 55.7512486, Longitude: 37.6168763
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Kommentar 5

  • Kent Johnson

    Kent Johnson


    I visited and photographed in 1994 - amazing, dream come true!

  • Kemal Abi

    Kemal Abi


    Advice you to visit.

  • Ruslan Issayev

    Ruslan Issayev


    Although premises for the Muscovite metropolitan had existed in the Kremlin ever since the 14th century, Patriarch Nikon, who aspired to rival the tsar in authority and magnificence, had them replaced with a much more ambitious residence, centered on a spacious chamber in the form of the cross, once used as a banqueting hall but now serving as a museum of applied arts. To this structure adjoins from the south a domestic church of the patriarchs, originally consecrated to Philip the Apostle until the dedication was altered to the present one in 1682.

  • Natalia Korobenko

    Natalia Korobenko


    Beautiful place. Better to take the guided tour to hear the story of the buildings and interesting facts.

  • Nadine Engel

    Nadine Engel


    A very nice tour can be done through the whole place, fully recommended for a sunny day!

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