Lyuks Servis i Moskva

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Pushechnaya Ulitsa, 107031, Moskva, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 628-07-50
Latitude: 55.760711, Longitude: 37.621356
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Kommentar 5

  • Роза Кулько

    Роза Кулько


    собака погрызла сапоги, куда только не обращалась, везде отказывали в реставрации, знакомые посоветовали обратиться в Люкс Сервис, пришла, приняли и отреставрировали, очень благодарна, даже не заметно того, что сапоги были так испорчены!

  • Александра Шейкина

    Александра Шейкина


    Отличный сервис. Мастер быстро выполнила свою работу. Долго ждать не пришлось. Цены не высокие!

  • Eve Muradyan

    Eve Muradyan


    My purse was ruined by this place and its masters. Damaging, making me feel upset/ frustrated before my trip back, and it’s not the first time happening to me. First time when they ruined my purse, their CEO Sergey gave me a call, and apologized. He said, when I will be back, they will fix it for free, but still charged me. He was charming and nice, so I didn’t argue. I used to be a loyal customer, coming there to repair my shoes. When I came back from another country (it was a long period, over a year), they denied to repair their mistake, and told me it will cost over 7000 Russian rubbles to make my purse look like new. It’s my favorite purse, so I agreed. When I came to take it back, I was in shock. It was looking even more damaged, than when I brought it in, and the keys attached inside of the purse were not there. I’ve never seen worst “luxury” service in my life! They tried to return it as if it was looking like this before, and were ready to charge me. In my opinion, if you’re a professional, you will not even dare to try to return things to customers damaged, with poker face, and hoping that they won’t notice anything. I asked why it was damaged and not fixed, administrator kept calling the repair master, or another administrator, but not her boss. She offered me not to pay for the service after 15 minutes of calling everyone. No damage compensation or fixing their issue inside. Bad results for me. Do not recommend to bring your stuff here, it might get even more damaged than before.

  • Alba Shamanika

    Alba Shamanika


  • Алекс Алесандров

    Алекс Алесандров


    Отличное ателье. Профессионально, быстро и качественно. Остался очень доволен!

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