St. Basil's Cathedral i Moskva

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Red Square, 109012, Moskva, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 698-33-04
Latitude: 55.7525229, Longitude: 37.6230868
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Kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Bell

    Suzanne Bell


    St. Basil's Cathedral is must see highlight of any trip to Moscow. Make sure you take the time to explore and enjoy all it has to offer. I am pleased I had purchased Skip the Line Tickets to avoid the lengthy queues. I visited twice during my 5 days in Moscow firstly on my own and then with our tour guide who was very knowledgable and gave a different insight into the history of the incredibly beautiful piece of architecture.

  • Gabo Blancas

    Gabo Blancas


    Stunning Church..! Incredible angles and colors..! Was wonderful be there . I recommended travel to Moscow. Beautiful City with friendly people..!

  • Rafael Inocencio Pacheco

    Rafael Inocencio Pacheco


    One of the most famous cathedrals in the world and really beautiful together with the red square it makes a perfect place for a walk. Definitely a must go in your travel bucket list.

  • Masoud Adeli

    Masoud Adeli


    This was quite a unique cathedral. Not similar to any other place in the world ( although Church of the Savior on Blood in St Petersburg could be an exception). No photo or video can show the beauty of it. You must go ant visit. However, the interior is not as gorgeous as exterior of the building.

  • Travels 4 Food

    Travels 4 Food


    Cathedral - Historically Interesting and Architecturally Beautiful. It contains multiple churches inside (within each tower), and the building is designed in the shape of an 8 point cross as a symbol of Orthodox Christianity. This is definitely the most recommended place for a photo that symbolizes a trip to Russia.

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