Assambleya Nikitskaya i Moskva

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12с2, Bol'shaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa, 125009, Moskva, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 933-50-01
Latitude: 55.75644, Longitude: 37.6069136
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Kommentar 5

  • Seiji Kanno

    Seiji Kanno


    Located in the city centre. This hotel has access to all essential services.

  • Ira Tomita

    Ira Tomita


    Nice hotel but not special. Good prices.

  • Igor Prince

    Igor Prince


    In the first window in the ceiling, no one warns that you will be given such a number. But you pay as normal. Very dark! As in the basement! A terrible stink in the room and especially in the bathroom. A double bed is simply connected by 2 single beds. Back pain is guaranteed to you! It's very stuffy, but if you open the window, you can not fall asleep because of the smell of exhaust fumes and the noise of cars. The door for some reason opened only with 2-3 attempts. It was hell. All the furniture was shabby and Soviet, repair had to be done about 5 years ago. TV channels are only designed for Russians. Breakfast is not included in the price! At the same time they are served between the reception and the elevator. You sit there, and people walk by you in clothes and with suitcases. What an idiot came to mind to file seeds in such a place, and even take money for it. The breakfast itself is very meager, with a choice of sausage and eggs, lots of eggs ... The bar is located in the same place and even there is no normal beer in it, the choice is the least. The Internet is extremely slow and constantly flies.

  • Donald Marks

    Donald Marks


    Nice hotel within walking distance of many historic sites in downtown Moscow

  • antony mp

    antony mp


    Historic hotel.. well maintained.. good service

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