Aquamarine hotel i Moskva

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26, Ozerkovskaya Naberezhnaya, 115184, Moskva, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 580-28-28
Latitude: 55.7392859, Longitude: 37.6365992
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Kommentar 5

  • Hubert Schlink

    Hubert Schlink


    Really like the hotel! Service personnel is amazingly nice and helpful. I find the location close to Moscow river perfect to get out and go for a long run along the river. If booked at the right time, it's affordable too. Just wish the spa area also had a relaxation room with potentially some quiet music where you can read your book or such.

  • Guillaume Dumond Fillon

    Guillaume Dumond Fillon


    Very good services and advices, quick room service. Clean and good quality. All good

  • Antony Szeto

    Antony Szeto


    Excellent hotel for price. Convenient location, friendly and helpful staff, very good rooms.

  • Joao Medeiros

    Joao Medeiros


    Is my favorite hotel in Moscow. Excellent for business trip and very good localization. The breakfast are incredible and the services are high level. Not so recognized like brand hotel but I really believe you will enjoy the hospitality of place. Close supermarket 24hs and restaurants.

  • Galina Frolova

    Galina Frolova


    I just love staying here when I come to Moscow! Hotel has a very convenient location. Near touristy attractions, but quiet and private location, plenty of restaurants and bars close by, parking available, near public transportation. Rooms are spacious and clean. Beds are very comfortable. Nice and helpful staff. Breakfast available, good selection of food and beverages.

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