Павильон парка Зарядье i Москва

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6, стр. 1, ул. Варварка, 109012, Москва, Moskva, RU Russia
Kontakter telefon: +7 495 531-05-32
Hjemmeside: www.zaryadyepark.ru
Latitude: 55.7516, Longitude: 37.6257886
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Kommentar 5

  • Zain Hossaine

    Zain Hossaine


    It's nice there.. a good view of the Moscow Kremlin, the red square and the Moscow River........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  • Eugene Nefedov

    Eugene Nefedov


    Nice green place in the center of Moscow

  • Yusof Jaafar

    Yusof Jaafar


    Beautiful place.

  • Sebastian Rodríguez

    Sebastian Rodríguez


    It's a new a and modern park-museum near the read square of the kremlin. Beautiful in winter there are a few modern buildings as a concert hall, a digital museum, a small museum monument that was created to explain the historical importance of this little park in the history of Russia and the kremlin. I recommend to visit this place on day, and if you are interested in the Russian history. There are some restaurants, and a kind of bridge with an amazing view to the Moscow River and the kremlin walls (the back part of the kremlin). It's a very photogenic place.

  • Steve Jones

    Steve Jones


    One of President Putin's new Parks for the Russian Federation....I look forward to seeing this park again.

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