Zaryad'e i Moscow

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Moscow, Russia, 115035
Kontakter telefon: +7
Latitude: 55.749785, Longitude: 37.6277612
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Kommentar 5

  • Anton Abramov

    Anton Abramov


    One of my favorite places in Moscow. Beautiful nature from all different sides of Russia. Couple of expensive restaurants. New style park in the most center of capital of Russia.

  • Geremias Montenegro Vera

    Geremias Montenegro Vera



  • Vladimir Frolov

    Vladimir Frolov


    I'm Russian and lived in Moscow before 2007. I heard a lot about Zariadia park. That meaning is it was so expensive in costraction and beautiful now. But my expectation doesn't meet with reality. I prefer Alexsander park near Kremlin.

  • Google User

    Google User


    Amazing bus stop.

  • Наталья Короткова

    Наталья Короткова


    A very beautiful park right next to the Red Square, has an exposition of all the flora that exists in Russia. Definitely a must visit in Moscow, is perfect for a walk. The entrance is completely for free. It is not only the park that is worth visiting : on the territory is a cinema with a very big screen, Museem and a very good souvenir shop! The information for tourists is written in Russian, English and Chinese. I only hope that people will treat the nature and this amazing park better and not destroy it.

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